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Audubon Wildflowers Calendar 2014
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About the Author
Audubon's mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity. Audubon's network of community-based nature centers and chapters, scientific and educational programs, and advocacy on behalf of areas sustaining important bird populations, engage millions of people of all ages and backgrounds in positive conservation experiences.
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Product details
Calendar: 28 pages
Publisher: Artisan; Wal edition (August 15, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1579655203
ISBN-13: 978-1579655204
Product Dimensions:
12 x 0.1 x 12 inches
Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces
Average Customer Review:
4.6 out of 5 stars
23 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,489,277 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
This is a beautifully done calendar and the amount of text VS notes space on the caledar page is well proportioned. I took one star off because the advertised free digital daily calendar seemed useless. Very few topics for their daily messages/photos nothing close to the quality of the Audobon shots. And there was no way to add personal dates or notes so you are really logging in to see only what day it is. Seems senseless if you are already looking at you desktop.
I used to get freebie calendars from food magazine companies, but apparently they didn't do them this year, so I had to actually buy one. I was looking for one with delectable food items on the pages, but couldn't find one; Settled for one with flowers. Ho hum. Anyway, the calendar portion itself is good. The dates are easily readable and big enough to write notes on. It's fine.
Love the photography and the the readable size of the print ".Secret Garden" is on the wall of 'My room' - office, utility, memos on the wall sort of place,,,,,Others I ordered were sent as Christmas gifts..The size is wonderful and the space for writing memos is adequate. I'll shop for them again next year....but have the 'mail-aways' sent to the recipient direct. Figuring how to package them was a puzzle. We cut up carton boxes to protect the item and that was a pain but it worked. Cardboard and masking tape and the post office and they reached their desstinations. Donna Compton.
Gorgeous monthly pics. Will order again 2015! Was tempted to keep for myself, though did get a second one that will be my own.
Fair price. Great happy beautiful, photos. Enough space in boxes to be able to use it for planning purposes - although last d-few days of the month are often annoying half boxes - which make notes a little too tight.
I like the calendar, images are nice. They are not top notch but good, some are landscapes with flowers, some are close ups.Dates are big enough to see from the distance. Good quality paper.
Nice calendar.
love this calendar
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